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Wired Adapters

Some instruments require special adapters to connect to your computer. For example, any PS2 guitar will require a PS2-to-USB adapter to connect. Alternatively, you may choose to use a wired adapter with your Wii guitar to eliminate the need for a wiimote. 

It is possible to craft your own wired adapter for both PS2 and Wii guitars. See Sanjay's guide for complete instructions:



Wii guitars will work with a wiimote and bluetooth using the Wiitarthing software, however if you do not have a wiimote, an alternative is to use a wired adapter. You can create your own following Sanjay's guide, or you can buy one from the following sellers.

Note that Etsy listings may change and new sellers may come to the market, be sure to search there for the best deals!

Etsy: Black Wiidow - Wii Guitar Adapter V3

Black Wiidow.png

Sold by HSMods. Supports tilt. Contact Discord user @hondysondy in the Clone Hero Discord for direct support.

Etsy: Wii Guitar Adapter for Clone Hero and RB4 (Rock Band 4) V2

Wii Guitar Adapter for Clone Hero and RB4 (Rock Band 4) V2.png

Sold by RetroCultMods. Does not support tilt. Lowest cost version does not include the USB cable or housing. 

Phunkwii Adapter - Simple Wii Guitar Controller to USB Adapter


Sold by PhunkyCustoms. Does not support tilt.

PicoChuck Wii Adapter - Plug & Play Wii Nunchuck to USB-C


Sold by MrAdriankiModding. Both tilt and tiltless variants are available. The most compact variant, comes in various colors. 

Raphnet Classic Controller to USB Adapter - V3

Raphnet Wii.png

Does not support tilt. This used to be the standard recommendation, however various sellers on Etsy have begun to offer equivalent or better products at lower prices. However, this may be your best option if you are outside of the US.

EMiO Edge Gamepad for SNES Mini - Super NES

EMiO Edge Gamepad for SNES Mini - Super NES.png

No whammy or analog stick, does not support wiidrums. The bundle comes with a gamepad and adapter, but the adapter is all you want. You will likely need a USB extension cable since the adapter cable is extremely short. 


PS2 adapters are often unpredictable and poor quality. While we try to make recommendations of ones we believe will work, we cannot make any guarantees. We typically advise that you avoid PS2 guitars entirely if possible. If you are going to use one, please be aware that not all adapters offer whammy functionality.

If your adapter does not work at all or has incorrect bindings, please see the PS2 Adapter Fix in troubleshooting for a possible solution. 

You can also craft your own PS2 adapter by following Sanjay's guide or buy one already built off Etsy. Note that Etsy listings may change and new sellers may come to the market, be sure to search there for the best deals!

Etsy: Blue Indigo v2 Adapter

Blue Indigo.png

Sold by HSMods. Supports Whammy and Tilt. Contact Discord user @hondysondy in the Clone Hero Discord for direct support.

Raphnet PSX Adapter

Raphnet PS2.png

Known to have 100% compatibility across all operating systems. Whammy works just fine. Best option, though also the most expensive one and often out of stock. May not be available outside of the US.

Kebidu PS2 to PS3/PC Adapter

Kebidu PS2.png

Does not work with Mac! Whammy may not work correctly. Be aware of long shipping times from AliExpress!

Xahpower PS2 to PS3/PC Adapter

Xahpower PS2.png

Does not work with Mac! May not work at all until the PS2 Adapter Fix is applied. 

Mcbazel PlayStation 2 Controller to USB Adapter

Mcbazel PS2.png

Does not work with Mac! Stated not to work at all on the seller's listing, however users have reported that it does work after applying the PS2 Adapter Fix. Your mileage may vary.