Recently Updated Pages
Wired Adapters
Some instruments require special adapters to connect to your computer. For example, non-USB PS2 g...
All First-Party Guitars
First-party guitars are produced either directly by Harmonix/Neversoft or licensed to another com...
Getting Started
Clone Hero can be played with a keyboard, gamepads (Xbox, Playstation, etc), guitar controllers, ...
Recommended Guitars
While many guitars will work with Clone Hero, there are a select few that we recommend for users....
Video Game Drums
The Guitar Hero and Rock Band games both featured drums as a playable instrument. The Rock Band g...
Drum Mapping Guide
If you run into any trouble while following these instructions, drop by #help-line in the Clone H...
Community Team
Community Managers
MIDI Drums
Midi drums are fully supported as of Clone Hero 1.0 release. These drums typically offer the best...
Replacement Parts & Modification
Various parts of Guitar Hero and Rock Band controllers can be manually replaced and/or modded. Th...
Receivers and Dongles
Wireless instruments require specific receivers/dongles to connect and are not interchangeable. T...
The Official Clone Hero Wiki
The landing page text of the wiki.
How to Play
An explanation of concepts and gameplay mechanics necessary to play the game.
People that contributed to the translation of the game.
Guitar Troubleshooting
Listed here are common issues and their resolutions. If you encounter an issue not listed here, o...
Third Party And Bad Guitars
Third party guitars are guitars that are produced by organizations not affiliated with Neversoft ...
Clone Hero allows you to customize controls to your liking through the control mapper on the main...
Keyboard and Gamepads
You may not have access to a guitar, especially since they've been increasing in price and are no...
Drum FAQs and Troubleshooting
Collection of common issues faced when mapping drums in Clone hero
Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to frequently asked questions can be found here.
Common Issues & Troubleshooting
Common technical problems and solutions for them.